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Registration Help for My Jamia

Registration of students who already have an email Id on @st.jmi.ac.in domain

  • Students with EMail ID on @st.jmi.ac.in only need to fill the first field, press tab key and Click the button at the bottom.

Registration of students who do not have an email Id on @st.jmi.ac.in domain

To register for JMI's EMail ID and My Jamia portal, you need to provide values for the fields shown below. It is advisable to keep your ID Card in your hand while filling the entries.
  • Student ID (An 8-digit number)
  • Full Name (As printed on the ID Card. Do not type '.' if present)
  • Provide value for either your Father's Name or Mother's name. (Type exactly as printed on the ID Card)
  • Date of Birth (dd-mm-yyyy) format
  • Hostel (If you are day scholar, leave the default selection i.e. 'Day Scholar' )
  • Private EMail Address (This is used once for communicating your accounts details)
  • Mobile No (Optional)

Process after Registration

  1. Once your request is successfully registered an email will be sent to you on your private E-Mail ID.
  2. You are required to verify the email address by clicking on the link provided in the email.
  3. After verification of your email ID, two accounts will be created for you :
    • JMI's EMail ID (If you do not already have the email Id)
    • My Jamia Portal ID
  4. An email containing procedure to access the account(s) shall be sent to you on your private email id.
  5. It may take a maximum of 2-working days for account creation. In case you don't get the information you may forward the acknowledgement mail to In-charge Web Section